Qianhui Yang

Analyst, Investment

“The most rewarding aspect of working with Q is that not only does she combine intellect with a desire to develop and learn, but also the fact that no task ever seems too big and is always greeted with a smile.” — Vikesh Mistry

Qianhui Yang (Q)


Qianhui (or Q as she’s known at True) joined us from university. While at Oxford, she had an active role in the college’s Access and Social Backgrounds programme, as well as the charity running its art collection — a key interest.

meet Qianhui

Why did you choose True?

With a background in Economics and Management, I knew that I wanted to work in a sector either retail-related or consumer-facing — but I didn’t want to be confined to one area within a large corporate retailer. The Analyst role at True turned out to be perfect for this. I also had a really pleasant and genuinely enjoyable recruitment process with True which made me want to work here even more.

How would you describe your job to a five-year-old?

We’re like Pokémon trainers for businesses: we look for exciting businesses and then help them to grow.

What do you love most — and least — about your job?

I love the culture: the people are the best thing about True. I always think about how lucky I am to have been able to start my career at True with people who genuinely care about my personal and professional growth. I get annoyed by the spam emails that circulate about once every two weeks of someone pretending to be our Chairman Matt Truman, asking me to to do something, whilst I’m probably in a meeting with the *real* Matt Truman.

Name an idea or company that reimagined a business or industry — one you wish you’d thought of.

The Michelin Guide.

Which person or people helped shape and inspire who you are today?

I probably have my sister, who’s seven years older than me, to thank for some of the most significant and consequential decisions that I’ve made in life. Typical sibling rivalry meant that whilst she wanted to go to Cambridge, I made the opposite (Oxford) my goal; while she pursued actual science, I went with Social Sciences and ended up studying E&M which played a massive role in my career choice. I’m not sure that I would’ve pursued my degree or university had it not been her who showed me that it was good to dream big.

true cv

Qianhui’s expertise at True:

Q has supported the Investment Team across a number of projects for the portfolio brands as well as research projects on pipeline activity.

Q has also been involved in the development of True’s charity strategy.

True stories featuring Qianhui


True Partners with Apparel Brands Limited, Accelerating Growth in the Branded Apparel Market

We are pleased to announce our strategic investment in Apparel Brands Limited (ABL), a UK-headquartered business specialising in the sourcing, design and distribution of Branded apparel and accessories to third parties and through its network of directly operated websites, as well as the licensing and development of branded apparel through its intellectual property portfolio.

view story

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